New Year’s resolutions tend to be geared towards exercise and getting healthy, but they don’t have to be. There are plenty of other goals and accomplishments you can work towards in a year that can just be for fun.
Maybe you want to expand a hobby or get better at an activity. Maybe you want to become a better cook or learn to ride a skateboard. When most people think of New Year’s resolutions, they tend to say that they are going to go to the gym more or start eating healthier, but not all of them say that they are going to branch out and start trying different wines or advancing their knowledge of wine.
We’re not sure why that is, since wine is amazing. But I guess we’re a little bias.
Either way, if you’re looking to expand your wine knowledge or want to explore the world of wine this year, here are some great New Year’s resolutions you can make.
Wine Inspired New Year’s Resolutions
New Year’s Eve always brings about a need to better oneself as we move into the next year. Getting healthy, eating better, exercise, and more are the typical New Year’s resolutions that are made on this day. But expanding your knowledge of wine in general, as well as introducing yourself to different types of wine and winemakers, is a great way to set a New Year’s resolution you can stick to and enjoy.
1. Try New Wines
One the biggest mistake that novice wine drinkers make, and even seasoned wine vets, is that they find a wine they really like and don’t venture out of that comfort zone.
There are so many different types of wines, varietals, regions, and winemakers in the world that, even if you tried, you’d never be able to taste every type of wine or blend available. This is why it’s extremely important to try new ones as often as you can.
This year, make it a goal to try at least one new wine every month, or even every week, depending on how much wine you drink. This will allow you to develop an understanding of what kinds of wines you lean towards, what regions you prefer, and you might even find a new favorite.
2. Expand Your Wine Knowledge
Wine tasting is always fun, but if you really want to get serious about wine then make it a point to learn about what goes into winemaking and why wines taste the way they do.
Wine making is a lot more than just growing grapes, smashing them, and letting the juice ferment, it’s a science. Some winemakers have been making and creating different wines for generations and have learned exactly what goes into making a great wine from the plants all the way to the bottle.
Learning about the winemaking process from start to finish will give you a better understanding of what it takes to make wine. It can also give you a better insight into what certain wine terms mean, like tannins, sweet vs. dry, and what makes the different varietals taste the way they do.
There’s always room for more knowledge, so why not make it a resolution to dig into the winemaking process a little bit more with each new bottle that you try!
3. Improve Your Wine Pairing Skills
As you begin to learn more about wine and the winemaking process, you’ll start to understand what foods pair best with certain types of wines. If you can learn more about wine pairing and which wines to select with certain dishes, you’ll be the hit at your next holiday party.
Not all wine pairs well with all foods, and there’s actually a reason behind that. Depending on how the wine is made, how sweet or dry it is, which grapes were used, and a variety of other reasons, certain wines just taste better when paired with certain types of food.
Our blog, as well as the internet in general, has great information on which types of wine pair best with certain types of food. You’ll be able to pick the perfect bottle to serve at your next dinner party, or be able to select a great bottle the next time you visit a fancy restaurant.
Taking the time to understand food and wine pairings can bring your wine game to a whole new level.
4. Drink Wine in Moderation
More and more adults are choosing wine over beer and cocktails these days, but like all alcohol, there is a point where it becomes too much.
If you find yourself consuming wine more often than you’d like, a great New Year’s resolution would be to try and cut back a little.
Only you can make the decision to change your drinking habits, but it’s important to listen to your body and your family, if you think you may be over consuming.
We love wine so we understand the appeal, but just like anything, overindulging can cause health issues as well as other issues in your life. If you feel like you’ve been drinking too much recently, then there’s no better time to set a goal for yourself and cut back on your alcohol intake.
Be sure to stick with your resolution. They can be tough to follow through with, but in the end you set the goal for a reason and there’s no better feeling than accomplishing a goal you set out to do.
Happy New Year from Hope Family Wines
Whether you have a New Year’s resolution or not this year, we hope that you make the best of 2023 and do all the things that make you happy.
We wanted to thank everyone for such a great year, and we hope that everyone has a safe and happy New Year.
Cheers from all of us here at Hope Family Wines!